Providing alternative options as your pet's rehabilitation and wellness program. Our therapy apparatus is safe and non-invasive. As the owner of Barks and Purrs, I am certified to properly administer our wellness treatments.
* The statements and products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Our services and treatments should never be used in place of veterinary care.
Uses low-level light energy to treat a wide array of conditions, ranging from:
When tissues are damaged, cells begin to die and scar tissue formation often begins. Both consequences can slow or even limit healing process. The treatment time required is usually dependent on two factors, the condition being treated, and the size of the area affected.
A major advantage of cold laser therapy is the ability to penetrate deep into tissues and joints while retaining the capability to also treat conditions closer to the skin surface. Cold laser is a non-invasive form of treatment, pets feel little to no sensation during the treatment process.
Regardless of how deep the light waves penetrate, the energy is eventually absorbed by the damaged cell providing it with a boost to begin working. Plants using the suns light to stimulate growth and healing is a good analogy to demonstrate the effects of cold laser therapy. As these cells are repaired, the body can decrease the sensation of pain, reduce swelling, and accelerate the time required to heal.
Each session takes only a few minutes however very effective.
All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Every organ in the body produces it own signature bioelectromagnetic field. Science has proven that our bodies project their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.
Physics, that is, electromagnetic energy, controls chemistry. This in turn controls tissue function. Disruption of electromagnetic energy in cells causes impaired cell metabolism, whatever the initial cause. This happens anywhere in the disease process.
PEMFs address impaired chemistry and thus the function of cells – which in turn, improves health. PEMFs deliver beneficial, health-enhancing EMFs and frequencies to the cells. Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered! As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed to positively support cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function.
Mitochrondia, the battery packs of your cells, and how strong they are affects everything you do. What if you could change up your mitochondria directly – in a sense, plug them in? PEMF therapy comes close.
It’s a safe level of EMF’s. the therapeutic frequency of PEMF’s looks a lot like the frequencies you encounter in nature, so your body knows how to deal with it. Most PEMF’s treatments and maintenance will fall in the 5-30Hz range, which is less than you get from a thunderstorm.
PEMF has been used to improve functions and mobility from:
Little Ollie has been with us for over a year. His hip was not properly aligned and required a femoral head ostectomy (FHO), this was found to be genetic. He stayed with us daily and we performed both cold laser, range of motion, water therapy and PEMF on his wound pre and post surgery. We applied therapy for several weeks, within two
Little Ollie has been with us for over a year. His hip was not properly aligned and required a femoral head ostectomy (FHO), this was found to be genetic. He stayed with us daily and we performed both cold laser, range of motion, water therapy and PEMF on his wound pre and post surgery. We applied therapy for several weeks, within two weeks, ollie was up walking, but still favored his left leg. In five weeks, he started to touch down, but would lift his leg when standing in place. On week nine ollie was moving about much better, chasing toys and playing with other friends, but we ensured his level of play was not too lengthy and short distances. Week 14, ollie was running about the back yard, he played much rougher, because that what he had did before surgery. After week six, therapy was performed every third day and week nine twice a week, week 12, once a week. Week 14 once every 14 days and week 18, once a month for 6 months.
If you think your pet is a good candidate for cold laser therapy, call us to schedule an appointment so we can discuss the best options for your pet and develop a personalized treatment plan!
This is Ollie after 6 months of therapy, his leg is doing wonderfully, his hair has all grown back. He loves PEMF, it massages every cell in his little body, stretching every cell and removing toxins so the cell can absorb its rightful nutrients and become alive once again. Ollie now runs down the small hill and into the facility and wh
This is Ollie after 6 months of therapy, his leg is doing wonderfully, his hair has all grown back. He loves PEMF, it massages every cell in his little body, stretching every cell and removing toxins so the cell can absorb its rightful nutrients and become alive once again. Ollie now runs down the small hill and into the facility and when its time to go home, he runs up the driveway into mom and dads arms.
Pua suffered paralysis on both her hips and back legs. After a full examination and radiology treatment, it was determined that she had a Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE). Commonly known as a spinal stroke. A blockage occurs in a blood vessel supplying the spinal cord and caused immediate paralysis. Pua's quality of life consisted o
Pua suffered paralysis on both her hips and back legs. After a full examination and radiology treatment, it was determined that she had a Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE). Commonly known as a spinal stroke. A blockage occurs in a blood vessel supplying the spinal cord and caused immediate paralysis. Pua's quality of life consisted of dad lifting a 60lb Pua and caring her outside so she can perform her business, lifting her in and out of his vehicle for transportation to and from the veterinary hospitals. I received a call from dad and immediately started working on Pua, I was still a Veterinary Technician and pet uber runner, but had to work on Pua right after work, everyday, six days out of a week for her first two weeks. I reduced treatments as time went by. We started treatments in October 2017 through March 2018 and with dads help, we performed cold laser, PEMF and Range of Motion (ROM). It took a few weeks, but Pua started to get up on her own, a little wobbly at first, but as weeks went by, she was moving about the house, going potty on her own, months passed and she was pulling her brother and father on leash. She can now jump on and off furniture and loves to play ball. I continued to perform cold laser on Pua as prevented therapy and to ensure her spinal cord is stretched and receiving the nutrients it needs to keep her going.
Three treatments, and to be done consecutive for best results.
Preferred treatment post surgery. 3, 2, 1, method, 3 treatments consecutive the first week, 2 treatments consecutive the second week and 1 treatment on the third week.
Note: Depending on the type of surgery and pet, some treatments may be extensive.
Single treatment with a minimum of 3 treatments
Five treatments, to be used in 30 days of first treatment. Preferred method is twice a week for better results
PEMF and Cold Laser Therapy together, using the 3, 2, 1 method mentioned on cold laser. Using them both simultaneously will greatly benefit in the healing process. While one stretches veins and other vessels to enhance cellular distribution, the other will stretch, massage, remove toxins and provided nutrients to cells.